If an item doesn’t have BB and nothing else has changed recently, Check other websites specifically Walmart, Target and Best Buy (HT HR)
Seller Performance has been on occasion using specifics when describing “Used Item Sold as New” For example, “Used item sold as new and No seal”. The “NO SEAL “is what they are looking for.
Enhanced Brand Content has some specific rules as to what’s not allowed. For example, no contact us info is allowed. Here is a list of some rules and FAQ’s http://tinyurl.com/h6sr6ul . If it fails to publish, fix the error and resubmit.
If you delete a listing but still have FBA, that does not mean your inventory is somehow ‘deleted’. To reconnect the listing to your inventory, just go to manage fba inventory and it will all be there with a message “No listing exists for this inventory items”. To reconnect, simply find the item and relist using the same merchant sku (AKA seller SKU) and create FBA listing (you can use qty 1, it will match with the correct amount of qty). Go to the point where it asks you for shipping dimensions and stop, it will reconnect within a few minutes. If it still doesn’t re-connect, open a case and give them the merchant sku to reconnect to ASIN XXXXX.
If anyone dealt with a rights owner in the EU called MYTK, please reach out to me.
For the Deals group (email for links) and HR group please post your email info as people often like to be contacted that way.
You can sometimes find a customer name from a product review by clicking on his name and going to his review profile. Then if they have a wish list click that and you will see name.