Drain The Swamp / Amazon Holds $5 Million For No Reason / Reimbursement Change

Week Of 12/19/2024

  1. Amazon 3P Sellers keep breaking records despite a challenging environment that crushed many sellers, and some e-commerce brands are still prospering. Business models that used to be profitable (i.e., buying from wholesalers) are increasingly challenging because of how Amazon verifies authenticity and the way it affects the entire account. The event on March 20 will highlight this changing environment, and I am open to suggestions to help sellers pivot.


  2. Amazon froze $5mil of inventory of a seller in another over-the-top section 3 suspension. I feel like they are suspending less when you get the dreaded interview, but it’s hard to get back once suspended. It also seems like MF sellers are not getting hit as hard with these. (It may be time for Amazon to drain the swamp at Seller Performance.)


  3. Looking for the perfect Chanukah gift for your spouse, parents, or in-laws? Surprise them with a beautiful, personalized Hadlakas Neiros plaque. Each plaque is available in four elegant colors and makes a meaningful addition to any home. Plus, enjoy free shipping on all orders!
    Shop now at ysjudaica.com. (sponsored)


  4. AWD fees are going to go up; Compare Amazon VS Temu Prices Seamlessly.


  5. Another update to the reimbursement policy, which is essentially a fee increase for FBA sellers.


  6. There are reports of more sellers saying that their NIKE items got back open after a sudden gating.


  7. This suspended seller only sells his own brand and is suspended for a inauthentic item from a year ago.


  8. “We cannot accept retail documents as an invoice unless they include the correct items and quantities”


  9. The Wholesale WhatsApp group from last week maxed out, so please join the second community (almost filled). I made a video explaining how it works.


  10. I saw in forums "Unsafe to advertise. This ASIN is identified as potentially embarrassing or offensive and cannot be added to a coupon."


Wishing You A Great Weekend, ED Rosenberg Voice of the Seller


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